Apr 162015

Labelwriter.com is currently down. If you are linking to the JavaScript SDK file that is hosted on Labelwriter.com your web application will not work at the moment. As a best practice in the future, we recommend that you do not link to the JavaScript file that is hosted on our servers but download a copy and host on your own servers. This will prevent a couple of issues:

  1. Any outages on our end will not affect your application
  2. Any updates that are made to the latest JavaScript file will not break your application

While LabelWriter.com is down, you can download the latest version of the JavaScript file from here.

We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to have Labelwriter.com up and running again soon.


Labelwriter.com is back up an running. Once again, we apologize for the inconvenience.

 Posted by at 11:49

  12 Responses to “Labelwriter.com outage”

  1. Where can I download it?

  2. Can you put the latest SDK javascript online somewhere that we can download it? I have many applications not working because of the dependency on the JavaScript file.

  3. I also notice that some time recently, the OSX download at this link http://dls.dymo.com/en-US/Pages/DLS8Download.aspx has broken. Can someone fix that?

  4. Hi there

    My programs sill does not work it keeps showing the error No Dymo printers are installed

  5. Hi ya, am looking for some help, i looked n looked tried codes over the place.
    Am working with VBA in Excel.

    I have a dymo Labelwriter 400.
    I have a template label, with to fields on called Text 1 and Text 2. To pick in up on information from the same workbook but on different sheet. (that are named)

    Am running the print from a command button click. would love to have a textbox of some sort to enter a quantity of labels to print.

    Can anyone help with a Simpleless VBA code for this. I know a little about VBA to get me by. just need to have something to work from.

    • We have one VB6 sample which demonstrates printing from MS Access and is available here http://labelwriter.com/software/dls/sdk/samples/DymoLabelFramework.accdb

      • Code is different, compared to the one i been working work. your version is manual add in text. i would want to pull data from a worksheet.

        Am fully aware this code been used before and floating on the web.

        I want to use this if i can or something like this short a sweet.

        need to use my Label template;
        myLabel = myDymo.Open(“C:\Users\Plumbing Shop\Documents\DYMO Label Labels\Excellabel.label”

        And pull information from the worksheets:
        With myLabel
        .SetField “Text1”, Worksheets(“INVOICE”).Range(“F9” & i).Value
        .SetField “Text2”, Worksheets(“QUOTATION OUR COPY”).Range(“C9” & i).Value
        It will be something like this:

        with ShrinkToFit on

        One last thing i want to add in a textbox called “number” for the number of labels to print.

        can you explain for me in some detail on this please. thank you

        i2 = 0
        iStart = 1
        For i = 1 To Len(sPrinters)
        If Mid(sPrinters, i, 1) = “|” Then
        i2 = i2 + 1
        ReDim Preserve arrPrinters(i2 + 1)
        arrPrinters(i2) = Mid(sPrinters, iStart, i – iStart)
        iStart = i + 1

        I can send an email with label and the form if need be.

        Using Microsoft 365 Excel 2013 VBA


        Sub PrintLabels()
        Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
        ‘This routine prints Excel data on sticker by using a template and the Dymo high level COM.
        ‘It assumes you have a Dymo labelwriter printer and you have created a label that will
        ‘serve as a template. On the label are two’text objects named OText1 and OText2.
        ‘As a data source we assume text in cells B2:B5 and C2:C5 on your the first worksheet but
        ‘obviously you can use any data source you like.

        Dim myDymo As Object
        Dim myLabel As Object
        Dim sPrinters As String
        Dim arrPrinters() As String
        Dim i As Long, i2 As Long, iStart As Long

        On Error Resume Next
        Set myDymo = CreateObject(“Dymo.DymoAddIn”)
        Set myLabel = CreateObject(“Dymo.DymoLabels”)
        If (myDymo Is Nothing) Or (myLabel Is Nothing) Then
        MsgBox “Unable to create OLE objects”
        Exit Sub
        End If

        ‘Check forDymo printer(s)
        ‘If there is one proceed and store the printernames in a variable, else quit
        sPrinters = myDymo.GetDymoPrinters()
        If sPrinters = “” Then
        Exit Sub
        i2 = 0
        iStart = 1
        For i = 1 To Len(sPrinters)
        If Mid(sPrinters, i, 1) = “|” Then
        i2 = i2 + 1
        ReDim Preserve arrPrinters(i2 + 1)
        arrPrinters(i2) = Mid(sPrinters, iStart, i – iStart)
        iStart = i + 1
        End If
        Next i
        End If

        ‘Store the current default printer and select the Dymprinter of your choice
        sDefaultPrinter = Application.ActivePrinter
        With myDymo
        ‘0 is first Dymo printer, you could use the printername instead: SelectPrinter “YourPrintername”
        .SelectPrinter arrPrinters(0)
        End With

        ‘Open the label template
        myLabel = myDymo.Open(“C:\Users\Plumbing Shop\Documents\DYMO Label Labels\Excellabel.label”)

        For i = 3 To 5
        ‘Give text objects OText1 and OText2 on the label a value
        With myLabel
        .SetField “Text1”, Worksheets(“INVOICE”).Range(“F9” & i).Value
        .SetField “Text2”, Worksheets(“QUOTATION OUR COPY”).Range(“C9” & i).Value
        End With

        ‘Print the label
        With myDymo
        ‘.StartPrintJob ‘Only used for Turbo 400 model and higher for print optimizing, you may omit it
        .Print 1, False ‘ Print 2 copies
        ‘.EndPrintJob ‘Only used for Turbo 400 model and higher for print optimizing, you may omit it
        End With
        Next i

        ‘Make sure the default printer is selected again
        Application.ActivePrinter = sDefaultPrinter

        ‘Clean up
        Set myLabel = Nothing
        Set myDymo = Nothing
        End Sub

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