Hi everyone,
Today, we are releasing an updated version of our JS SDK and DLS to address some security and TLS issues. These updates are now live on dymo.com and labelwriter.com. You will find download links below. Please note that the latest version of DLS requires the latest version of JS SDK. If you plan to update your users’ DLS version then you will also need to update the JS SDK version used in your application.
DYMO Label Framework JS SDK – http://labelwriter.com/software/dls/sdk/js/DYMO.Label.Framework.3.0.js
DLS Windows 8.7.2 – http://download.dymo.com/dymo/Software/Win/DLS8Setup.8.7.2.exe
DLS Mac 8.7.2 – http://download.dymo.com/dymo/Software/Mac/DLS8Setup.8.7.2.dmg