
May 292018

Hi everyone,

Today, we are releasing an updated version of our JS SDK and DLS to address some security and TLS issues. These updates are now live on dymo.com and labelwriter.com. You will find download links below. Please note that the latest version of DLS requires the latest version of JS SDK. If you plan to update your users’ DLS version then you will also need to update the JS SDK version used in your application.

DYMO Label Framework JS SDK – http://labelwriter.com/software/dls/sdk/js/DYMO.Label.Framework.3.0.js

DLS Windows 8.7.2 – http://download.dymo.com/dymo/Software/Win/DLS8Setup.8.7.2.exe

DLS Mac 8.7.2 – http://download.dymo.com/dymo/Software/Mac/DLS8Setup.8.7.2.dmg

May 092018

We wanted to take time to highlight some changes that will be coming to the SDK web service in the next update of DLS. The changes are centered around reducing potential security risks as well as improving the overall end-user experience.

  • Behavior change for disconnected users

    Currently, when the JavaScript SDK tries to discover the DYMO SDK web service instance running on the machine, it does so by scanning all ports within a range. The first port that responds is the one that is used. If the JavaScript SDK connects to a web service instance the belongs to a disconnected user, printing will fail.

    In the upcoming version of DLS, the web service for each user will suspend itself if the user disconnects (either due to fast-user switching or temporary RDP session disconnect on a remote machine). Once the user becomes active again, the service will resume. This will ensure that only one instance of the web service is active at any given time (NOTE: for Windows Terminal Server multiple users can be active simultaneously so multiple web service instances can be running)  and will prevent any issues dues to multiple web service instances.

    The DYMO SDK web service scans a 10 port range in order to find an available port to run on. In the event of all 10 ports being taken (meaning there are 10 active users logged onto a machine), any new users that log on will not have their own web service instance but instead use one of the existing 10 instances. For most common usage scenarios this will not be a problem. However, if the JavaScript SDK connects to another user’s instance (due to being the first to respond to the port scanning), shared printers for the other user will be visible through the SDK but shared printers for the current user will not.

  • Random certificate generation

    Root and exchange certificates will be generated randomly using strong cryptographic keys during DLS installation and discarded immediately after installation. This ensures the certificates are unique for every DLS installation and adds an extra layer of security to the DYMO SDK web service.

  • Change in web service URI

    The DYMO SDK web service will be changed to use 0.0.1 instead of localhost as its URI to avoid host name spoofing. This means that the existing JavaScript SDK will not work with the new web service installed with DLS. An upgrade to the new version of the JavaScript SDK will be required if a user updates their DLS install. However, the new version of the JavaScript SDK will be backwards compatible with older versions of DLS.

  • Firefox changes

    The new web service for DLS Windows does not install a root certificate into Firefox’s local keychain. Instead, it enables Firefox’s built-in feature which allows Firefox to user OS certificates. This flag is set on DLS installation and removed on DLS uninstallation.

Apr 242018


A new version of DLS is available that resolves this issue. This will need to be installed on any client machine experiencing the slow printing issue. You can download it here:



The above version of DLS is now live on DYMO.com for all regions.


Since 4/23/2018 all users of the windows version of our SDK have been experiencing a 10-15 second slowdown. The issue can also cause performance issues when opening label files in DLS.  This appears to be caused by our code attempting to contact (http://www.w3.org/1998/XMLSchema)  in order to validate each label before printing.

We have identified a fix for this issue and we are currently expediting a test cycle so we can release a patch as soon as possible.

Until the actual fix goes out, users can alleviate this slowdown by preventing this call.  We have seen success with two methods thus far.

  1. Prevent connections to (http://www.w3.org/1998/XMLSchema)
  2. Use the windows defender firewall to prevent DYMO.DLS.Printing.Host.exe from making outbound connections.


We apologize for the inconvenience, and will update this post as soon as the situation has been resolved.



Dec 122017

Hello everyone,

Chrome recently released an update to Chrome (version 63) that includes experimental support for TLS 1.3. Unfortunately, this is causing problems with our client-side web service that powers the JavaScript SDK. We are currently looking into this issue but in the meantime, there is a workaround available. The following steps need to be performed on affected versions of Chrome:

  1. In the Chrome URL bar, enter chrome://flags and hit Enter
  2. Once on the chrome://flags page, find the setting for TLS 1.3
  3. Change this setting to Disabled
  4. Relaunch Chrome

Once Chrome restarts, you should no longer receive the ERR_SSL_VERSION_INTERFERENCE error. We will update this post as we continue to research this issue.

May 042017

It has come to our attention that Google Chrome is flagging calls to the DYMO Web Service as “not secure.”  This has been causing many of our users to have issues when printing through Chrome.

We have found the issue and have an internal fix undergoing QA testing at this very moment.  We estimate the fix will be released within 2 to 3 weeks. We apologize for the inconvenience at hope this will be resolved soon.

In the meantime, please consider several temporary fixes that have been identified within the below blog post:

The new DLS 8.6.1 release is now available!

Mar 082017

The latest release of DLS is now available for customers that have been experiencing issues with the previous 8.6 release.

Issues fixed in 8.6.1 include:

  • Print Quality issues with a variety of consumables, including File Folder
  • Ability to not install the Web Service and other installer fixes
  • Various SDK fixes (DLLPrinting.dll, RenderLabel requests failing, threading issues, etc.)
  • Various bug fixes

Please use the below links to download the DLS installer.

Mac OS Download link Mac DLS 8.6.1

Windows Download link Win DLS 8.6.1

Nov 292016

Hi everyone,

Over the years, there has been a lot of confusion regarding our SDK samples. In the past, to get our samples, you needed to download an “SDK Installer” from www.dymo.com. The “SDK Installer” name was a bit misleading as the installer only contained samples, no binaries. As you know, all the binaries required for our SDKs are installed as part of DLS. So in order to clear things up, we’ve consolidated all of our samples into one ZIP file. This ZIP file contains the following:

  • DYMO Framework Samples for C# and C++
  • DYMO SDK High-Level COM Samples for C++, C#, VB, and ASP.NET
  • DYMO SDK Low-Level COM Samples for C++
  • Documentation for both the DYMO Framework & DYMO SDK

This ZIP file can be downloaded here: SDKSamples.zip. Please note that all of the samples in the ZIP file are intended for use in Visual Studio 2015 and using .NET 4.5.1 where applicable.

We also have a number of JavaScript samples that can be explored. While we do not provide the source for these samples directly, you are free to use the dev tools within your favorite web browser to check out the source code for these samples.

  • Print Me That Label – a simple JavaScript sampled that can be used to check if DLS is installed properly and the JS SDK is functioning correctly
  • Preview and Print Label – see a preview of a label in the browser and print the label
  • Print 2 Labels – example of multiple label printing
  • QR Code – barcode printing example
  • Spreadsheet – example of printing multiple labels from an online data source

Furthermore, we have a a diagnostic sample that can be used to ensure your dev/client environment is setup correctly.

  • Check Environment – runs a quick check of your setup and brings to your attention any potential problems

Happy coding!